Are Birds Smart?

How intelligent are birds?

The Dictionary defines birdbrained as:


noun, Slang.
a stupid, foolish, or scatterbrained person. A person of meager intelligence, (from the 1940s)

We beg to differ, birds are bright creatures that show amazing adaptability around humans.



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John Marzluff sets all straight on who is a “birdbrain” and who is not.

Hilarious Birds

Why are birds the Greatest!

They say picture is worth a thousand words, then Video should be worth far more. Look at these hilarious and oh so talented birds!

They have an ear for music, and surely carry a tune better than I do LOL!

Birds are delightfully playful. Here the favorite game is Peek-A-Boo!


Birds are the greatest!

Why birds are great pets

Calling someone a “bird brain” might be an insult, but birds are actually one of the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom.  Some species can actually learn to talk and speak actual words!

Birds are intelligent animals.

Birds are smart and good learners. Some studies show certain species of birds to be as clever as a seven-year-old human.

Birds are extremely social creatures.

Birds are actually very social animals, and enjoy interaction with humans very much. The smarter they are, the more they like learning. Birds get every bit as attached to their owners as dogs or cats.

They are relatively easy to care for.

Birds don’t require nearly the amount of attention that dogs and cats need — you don’t have to walk, house-train or entertain them. It’s also a lot easier to clean out a bird cage than a litter box.


Birds are fairly simple to train.

Your bird’s ability to speak will depend on a many things: how early you begin, the frequency of speech training and your individual bird’s capacity or temperament. Otherwise, the formula is pretty simple: repetition, repetition, repetition.

They require minimal grooming.

Birds require simple bathing that will help them groom and waterproof their own feathers. Nail trimmings are good both for the bird and your furnishings.

Birds are fairly inexpensive to feed.

Unlike dogs and cats, birds only require a tiny bit of food and water a day to sustain them. Birds require a diet of high-quality pelleted food, but you can also set aside some bits of fruits and veggies from your kitchen to supplement their diet. Just make sure you don’t feed them foods such as avocados, apple seeds, onions, chocolate and mushrooms — those foods are highly toxic to our little feathered friends.

They can be kept in a small space.

Birds do not require a large area, most will be happy in an appartment, birds should not be constantly confined to a cage. It is important that they get to exercise their wings and move about outside the cage.

Birds are not considered “pets” at most rental properties.

Owners of rental property often impose monthly “pet fees” on tenents that have cats and dogs. Most landlords, however, do not consider birds to be pets, effectively relieving bird owners of the extra charges. For this reason, a bird can be a very economical choice for renters who wish to adopt a pet.

Pet birds are graceful to look at.

Birds are beautiful – and – they can fly!  The birds these great born aviators are simply a delight to watch.

They are long-lived companions.

Keep in mind that some birds have very long lifespans, so whatever you teach now will make the difference for a very long time.